Saturday, April 30, 2011

Calvary Chapel Mocamba is Moving!

Nate - “Well I have good news and bad news. The owner of the church building didn’t accept our offer, we can not keep renting until they sell the building, and we have to be out of the building in 45 days.”
Me - “That sounds like bad news, bad news and more bad news. What it the GOOD news?”
Nate - “God is in control!”

It looks like the church body of Calvary Chapel Mocamba is going to have to move out of the building that we have been renting for the past three and a half years. As Nate told me the news I had my normal oceans of emotion sweep over me. I thought about all of the time and money that we have invested into the building. I thought about how difficult it is going to be to find something that we can afford that would have a space for all of the kids as well as the adults.
When we first started renting our current building the place was a huge dump which was actually a blessing for us because we were able to fix it up and keep the rent at a very low cost. As Nate told me the news I thought,
“ I know Rio Vermelho, there is nothing else to rent here for the price that we are paying now! Does this mean that we are going to have to rent a store front and all of the moms and the babies are going to have to stay home? Are we going to have to meet in my tiny house the week we bring our 7th baby home? Are we going to have to move our family to another house ? What about the Art Class, where are all those ladies going to meet?”
As all of these thoughts ran though my head what Nathan said started to sink in. - God is in control. Regardless of what or how I “feel” I KNOW that He is in control. I have learned how important it is in times of stress to push through my feelings and cling to what I know.
I KNOW that the church is HIS church. - (Col 1:17) “And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. (Col 1:18) And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.”

I KNOW that the church is not the building but it is the body of people that meet together in that building. - ( Mat 18:20) "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

I KNOW that He will provide for the needs of both our family and the church. - ( Mat 6:25)"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?( Mat 6:26 )"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

I KNOW that He has called us to Brazil, and I know that He is going to be faithful to complete the good work that HE has started. - ( Phl 1:6) “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete [it] until the day of Jesus Christ..”

Our long term vision is to buy land and use it for both an after school sports program for the local youth and a church, but because financially this is not an option at the present time we will be looking for another place to rent for now.
We know that there will be a lot of changes over the next month and we are excited to see that HE is going to do!
Prayer Requests-
- Wisdom and direction as we look for a building.
- A building that will work for our church body, we have lots of kids so we are going to need something with a space for them.
- Financial provision.
- The LORD’S will to be done.

Thank you all for your prayers! God bless. :)


  1. Way cool. It's been my experience that when this kind of thing happens growth (in so many ways) is happening. I can't wait to see what kind of place God already has picked out for you.

    Dirk and I will be praying.

  2. Thanks Tammy! We are going to have so many things going on in the next month we are going to need your prayers more than ever. I am encouraged and blessed to have had the chance to watch your family over the past fews years and see the Lord at work. HE is GOOD! :)

  3. Hi Dani and Nathan. Thank you for sharing a blog up-date about what God is doing in your church and in your family. Your right, God's in controll of the whole situation and the more we pray to Him and be obedient to His will, the greater the blessings he has for us. I'll continue to pray for you and your family.


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